🦄Original Cukies

We call Original Cukies to the 1st Generation Cukies, a total of 12,000 Cukies that were minted in https://cukies.world website.

Original Cukies have some special features and advantages that the rest of Cukies won’t have:

Advantages and features of Original Cukies
  • They have 5 Breeder skill points. 2nd Generation Cukies and onwards will be born with less breeder skill points, meaning that the will have to improve this skill before they are able to breed.

  • They have other random skill points. 2nd Generation Cukies and onwards will be born with 0 points in all the other skills.

  • They will have more energy and health than the 2nd Generation Cukies and onwards.

  • They can be used for staking.

  • They can improve more skill points than the 2nd Generation Cukies and onwards.

  • They have a higher probability to breed rarer Cukies than the 2nd Generation Cukies and onwards.

Apart from this, only Original Cukies holders have a guaranteed allocation to participate in UKI token Private Sale.

Last updated